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0 : 1

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“Roma” Is in Search of the Substitution for Manolas

08.07.2019 09:24 183

The head board of “Roma” continues to look for a new centre-back, able to replace Kostas Manolas, who has moved to “Napoli”.

Николя Нкулу

According to Calciomercato, “The She-Wolf” aims at the “Torino” player Nicolas Nkoulou, who is estimated by “The Maroons” to cost 35 million euros.

The source claims that “Roma” intends to cut the price of the Cameroon national team 29-year-old player and plans to enter into negotiations this week.

It’s worth reminding that in the past season Nkoulou has appeared in 36 matches of Serie A, having put it in the back of the net twice.
