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Match score

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Match score

Moreirense FC stats, 2016/2017 season

Season: 2016/2017

Football club

Country: Portugal

Coach: César Peixoto



  • Total
  • Home
  • Away
Tournament MP W D L GF GA GD Form Top scorer
Primeira Liga 34 8 9 17 33 48 -15
E. Boateng
Taça da Liga 6 5 1 0 11 5 6
E. Boateng
Taça de Portugal 1 0 0 1 0 1 -1
Tournament MP W D L GF GA GD Form Top scorer
Primeira Liga 17 4 7 6 18 20 -2
E. Boateng
Taça da Liga 4 3 1 0 8 4 4
E. Boateng
Taça de Portugal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tournament MP W D L GF GA GD Form Top scorer
Primeira Liga 17 11 2 4 15 28 -13
E. Boateng
Taça da Liga 2 0 0 2 3 1 2
Taça de Portugal 1 1 0 0 0 1 -1
MP - Played; W - Win; D - Draw; L - Loss; GF - Goal for; GA - Goal against; GD - Goal Difference;

Team effectiveness in tournaments

  • Total
  • Home
  • Away
  • First half home
  • First half away
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%) Realization of moments (%) Accuracy of shots on goal (%) Ball possession (%)
Primeira Liga 24 26 50 9 39 47
Taça da Liga 83 17 - 20 55 48
Taça de Portugal - - 100 - - -
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%) Realization of moments (%) Accuracy of shots on goal (%) Ball possession (%)
Primeira Liga 24 41 35 8 41 49
Taça da Liga 75 25 - 30 70 44
Taça de Portugal - - - - - -
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%) Realization of moments (%) Accuracy of shots on goal (%) Ball possession (%)
Primeira Liga 65 12 24 10 36 45
Taça da Liga - - 100 10 40 55
Taça de Portugal 100 - - - - -
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%) Realization of moments (%) Accuracy of shots on goal (%) Ball possession (%)
Primeira Liga 24 41 35 7 40 -
Taça da Liga 25 50 25 - 100 -
Taça de Portugal - - - - - -
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%) Realization of moments (%) Accuracy of shots on goal (%) Ball possession (%)
Primeira Liga 18 18 65 10 39 -
Taça da Liga 100 0 0 - 50 -
Taça de Portugal - - - - - -

Goal Difference Statistics

Win Loss
Difference in 1 goal 8 11
Difference in 2 goal 4 3
Difference in 3 goal 1 4

Goals scored and missed time

% Goal for Минуты Goals against %
0 - 15
15 - 30
30 - 45
45 - 60
60 - 75
75 - 90
> 90

Team statistics by tournament

  • Primeira Liga
  • Taça da Liga
  • Taça de Portugal
Matches played 34
With a draw (total /% of the total number of matches played) 9 / 26.47
Home wins (total /% of total wins) 4 / 50
Guest wins (total /% of total wins) 4 / 50
Goals (total / average per match) 33 / 0.97
Goals from the penalty spot (total /% of the total number of goals) 1 / 3.03
Goals in your field (total /% of the total number of goals) 18 / 54.55
Goals in a foreign field (total /% of the total number of goals) 15 / 45.45
Yellow cards (total / average per match) 82 / 2.41
Home matches (total / average per match) 47 / 2.76
Away matches (total / average per match) 35 / 2.06
Red cards (total / average per match) 2 / 5.88
Home matches (total / average per match) 1 / 0.06
Away matches (total / average per match) 1 / 0.06
Matches played 6
With a draw (total /% of the total number of matches played) 1 / 16.67
Home wins (total /% of total wins) 3 / 60
Guest wins (total /% of total wins) 2 / 40
Goals (total / average per match) 11 / 1.83
Goals from the penalty spot (total /% of the total number of goals) 2 / 18.18
Goals in your field (total /% of the total number of goals) 8 / 72.73
Goals in a foreign field (total /% of the total number of goals) 3 / 27.27
Yellow cards (total / average per match) 21 / 3.5
Home matches (total / average per match) 14 / 3.5
Away matches (total / average per match) 7 / 3.5
Red cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -
Matches played 1
With a draw (total /% of the total number of matches played) - / -
Home wins (total /% of total wins) - / -
Guest wins (total /% of total wins) - / -
Goals (total / average per match) - / -
Goals from the penalty spot (total /% of the total number of goals) - / -
Goals in your field (total /% of the total number of goals) - / -
Goals in a foreign field (total /% of the total number of goals) - / -
Yellow cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -
Red cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -

Individual player statistics by tournament

  • Primeira Liga
  • Taça da Liga
First name Country Age Position MP M Goal Pen Pas G+S YK RC
11 Alex 34 Midfielder 28 1174 4 - - 4 6 -
65 Fernando Alexandre 40 Midfielder 6 540 - - 1 1 2 -
2 Tiago Almeida 35 Attacker 11 592 - - - - 3 -
29 E. Boateng 29 Attacker 26 1635 7 - 4 11 3 1
99 B. Saré 35 Midfielder 24 1290 - - - - 6 -
93 O. Drame 33 Attacker 24 1545 2 - - 2 9 -
6 Jander 37 Midfielder 11 697 - - - - 2 -
26 Geraldes 34 Defender 2 172 - - - - - -
18 Chico Geraldes 30 Midfielder 30 2280 2 - 4 6 10 2
14 Diego Ivo 36 - 10 841 - - - - 4 -
18 Cauê 36 Midfielder 33 2903 2 1 1 3 7 -
1 G. Makaridze 35 Goalkeeper 33 2970 - - - - 3 -
42 Wallyson Mallmann 31 Midfielder 1 56 - - - - - -
67 Frederic Maciel 31 Attacker 7 186 1 - - 1 - -
3 André Micael 36 Defender 19 1710 1 - - 1 5 -
20 Tiago Morgado 32 - 2 17 - - - - - -
91 Neto 34 - 23 1745 - - 2 2 6 2
16 Nildo Petrolina 39 Midfielder 30 1745 2 - 5 7 2 -
26 Marcelo Oliveira 44 Defender 8 715 1 - - 1 2 -
11 E. Ohemeng 29 Midfielder 1 23 - - - - - -
30 Ary Papel 31 Midfielder 1 12 - - - - - -
56 Daniel Podence 30 Attacker 28 2226 8 - 4 12 4 -
21 D. Ramírez 32 Attacker 21 690 2 - - 2 3 -
5 Pedro Rebocho 30 - 29 2595 - - 5 5 3 -
9 Roberto 37 Attacker 22 1455 4 - 1 5 1 -
95 P. Sagna 35 Defender 30 2595 - - 1 1 11 1
28 M. Sougou 41 Attacker 13 665 2 - 2 4 1 -
99 Pedro Taborda 47 Goalkeeper 1 90 - - - - - -
17 Ença Fati - - 6 185 1 - - 1 - -
44 Diego Galo 41 Defender 31 2759 - - - - 2 1
7 Alan Schons 32 Midfielder 20 1002 1 - - 1 4 -
M - Matches played; Min - Minutes spent on the field; Goal - Goals scored; Pen - Goals scored from the penalty; Pas - Number of scoring passes; G+S - Goal+Assistant; YC - Yellow card; RC - Red cards
First name Country Age Position MP M Goal Pen Pas G+S YK RC
- Fernando Alexandre 40 Midfielder 2 134 - - - - - -
- Tiago Almeida 35 Attacker 5 430 - - - - 5 -
- E. Boateng 29 Attacker 6 383 3 - - 3 2 -
- B. Saré 35 Midfielder 1 18 - - - - 1 -
- O. Drame 33 Attacker 5 290 1 - - 1 2 -
- Jander 37 Midfielder 5 215 - - - - 1 -
- Chico Geraldes 30 Midfielder 4 352 1 - - 1 1 -
- Diego Ivo 36 - 3 270 - - - - - -
- Cauê 36 Midfielder 4 360 2 2 - 2 1 -
- G. Makaridze 35 Goalkeeper 3 270 - - - - 2 -
- Frederic Maciel 31 Attacker 2 128 1 - - 1 - -
- André Micael 36 Defender 3 270 - - - - 1 -
- Tiago Morgado 32 - 3 226 - - - - - -
- Neto 34 - 3 208 - - - - 1 -
- Nildo Petrolina 39 Midfielder 4 238 - - - - - -
- Marcelo Oliveira 44 Defender 2 180 - - - - - -
- Daniel Podence 30 Attacker 3 207 - - - - 2 -
- D. Ramírez 32 Attacker 3 126 - - - - - -
- Pedro Rebocho 30 - 4 320 - - - - - -
- Roberto 37 Attacker 4 243 2 - - 2 3 -
- P. Sagna 35 Defender 2 110 - - - - 1 -
- I. Stefanović 38 Goalkeeper 1 90 - - - - 1 -
- Pedro Taborda 47 Goalkeeper 2 180 - - - - - -
- Ença Fati - - 2 180 1 - - 1 - -
- Diego Galo 41 Defender 4 360 - - - - - -
- Alan Schons 32 Midfielder 3 152 - - - - - -
M - Matches played; Min - Minutes spent on the field; Goal - Goals scored; Pen - Goals scored from the penalty; Pas - Number of scoring passes; G+S - Goal+Assistant; YC - Yellow card; RC - Red cards
