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Match score

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Match score

Error message

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable в функции include() (строка 31 в файле /home/readfootball/www/readfootball.com/htdocs/sites/all/themes/readfootball_green/views-view--team-news--block.tpl.php).

S. Abasov

Samir Abasov

First nameSamir
Last nameAbasov
Country of birth1 February 1978
Age47 years
Height / Weight0 / 0

Match statistics

Date Tournament Home Score Away Min G Ass YC RC
12.05.2014 Premyer Liqa Sumqayıt 1:0 Qarabağ 90 - - - -
07.05.2014 Premyer Liqa Khazar Lankaran 4:1 Sumqayıt 90 - - - -
02.05.2014 Premyer Liqa Keşlə 2:0 Sumqayıt 90 - - - -
27.04.2014 Premyer Liqa Sumqayıt 1:1 Bakı 90 - - 1 -
12.04.2014 Premyer Liqa Sumqayıt 1:1 Simurq 90 - - - -
05.04.2014 Premyer Liqa Rəvan 1:1 Sumqayıt 90 - - - -
28.03.2014 Premyer Liqa Sumqayıt 2:1 Şüvəlan 90 - - - -
23.03.2014 Premyer Liqa Qarabağ 3:0 Sumqayıt 90 - - - -
16.03.2014 Premyer Liqa Sumqayıt 0:1 Khazar Lankaran 90 - - 1 -
08.03.2014 Premyer Liqa Sumqayıt 0:1 Keşlə 90 - - - -
Date Tournament Home Score Away Min G Ass YC RC


Premyer Liqa Winner 1x 2009/2010
Runner-up 1x 2008/2009
Cup Runner-up 1x 2008/2009
