0 : 0

Match score

0 : 0

Match score

Flacăra Făleşti FC stats

Season: 2022/2023

Flacăra Făleşti
Football club

Country: Moldova




  • Total
  • Home
  • Away
Tournament MP W D L GF GA GD Form Top scorer
Cupa 1 0 0 1 3 5 -2
Divizia Națională 11 0 0 11 12 62 -50
Tournament MP W D L GF GA GD Form Top scorer
Cupa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Divizia Națională 5 0 0 5 5 34 -29
Tournament MP W D L GF GA GD Form Top scorer
Cupa 1 1 0 0 3 5 -2
Divizia Națională 6 6 0 0 7 28 -21
MP - Played; W - Win; D - Draw; L - Loss; GF - Goal for; GA - Goal against; GD - Goal Difference;

Team effectiveness in tournaments

  • Total
  • Home
  • Away
  • First half home
  • First half away
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%)
Cupa - - 100
Divizia Națională - - 100
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%)
Cupa - - -
Divizia Națională - - 100
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%)
Cupa 100 - -
Divizia Națională 100 - -
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%)
Cupa - - -
Divizia Națională 20 - 80
Tournament Win (%) Draw (%) Loss (%)
Cupa - - -
Divizia Națională 17 - 50

Goal Difference Statistics

Win Loss
Difference in 0 goal 0 1
Difference in 2 goal 0 4
Difference in 4 goal 0 4
Difference in 5 goal 0 1
Difference in 7 goal 0 2

Goals scored and missed time

% Goal for Минуты Goals against %
0 - 15
15 - 30
30 - 45
45 - 60
60 - 75
75 - 90
> 90

Team statistics by tournament

  • Cupa
  • Divizia Națională
Matches played 1
With a draw (total /% of the total number of matches played) - / -
Home wins (total /% of total wins) - / -
Guest wins (total /% of total wins) - / -
Goals (total / average per match) 1 / 1
Goals from the penalty spot (total /% of the total number of goals) - / -
Goals in your field (total /% of the total number of goals) - / -
Goals in a foreign field (total /% of the total number of goals) 1 / 100
Yellow cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -
Red cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -
Matches played 11
With a draw (total /% of the total number of matches played) - / -
Home wins (total /% of total wins) - / -
Guest wins (total /% of total wins) - / -
Goals (total / average per match) 11 / 1
Goals from the penalty spot (total /% of the total number of goals) - / -
Goals in your field (total /% of the total number of goals) 4 / 36.36
Goals in a foreign field (total /% of the total number of goals) 7 / 63.64
Yellow cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -
Red cards (total / average per match) - / -
Home matches (total / average per match) - / -
Away matches (total / average per match) - / -

Individual player statistics by tournament
